Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Howling at the Moon

Greetings from Ko Phangan. I've a few hours to spare before the Full Moon Party tonight so I thought I'd do a quick post.

Came down to the island night before yesterday, another 12 hours on a bus but this time it was comfortable and they showed us a film. Even better they sghowed us an Arnie film! (True Lies). Met a group of English and a Dutch guy on the bus and we got a place together once we reached here. It's total paradise. A little hut right on the beach, sand as far as the eye can see!

Last night was the Full Moon Warm Up party, and that was superb in itself, let alone tonight! Buckets of Vodka red bull (3 quid) and hundreds of people. I can't say I remember much so I can't really tell you what happened, but somehow I broke my camera :-S (probably something to do with the cut on my knee, I'm guessing I fell!).
I lost everyone else and tried to walk home at 7am, not reralising that our place was 10 miles away! In the end I hitchiked back here, took 2 hours! I got two moitobike rides, one back of a lorry and a taxi took pity on me and took me the rest of the way! I would have paid him but all I had on me was some Cambodian money!

The English are leaving tomorrow, after the party tonight and I'm moving to a better hut just up the beach. The island pretty much empties after a Full Moon Party so I'm going to have a relaxing few days before heading back to Bangkok. Isn't life great!


At July 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guto - dos i Koh Tao, pawb neshi gyfarfod yn Koh Tao yn deud bod o yn neishach a rhatach na Koh Phagnan a bo nhw yn difarru peidio mynd i Koh Tao yn gynt (dos i ochr arall Koh Tao, oddi wrth yr holl bobl sydd yn gwerth u PADI diving courses a mae o yn hyfryd!)gymaint mwy thai hefyd. Neu os ti isho bwyd rili neis a day trip ma na vegetarian retreat sydd yn gneud BLT a hot dogs vegetarian ar Koh Samui (swni ddim yn recemendio aros ar Koh Samui ddim yn lot o joy i gymharu efo Koh Tao) ond ma'r retreat ar draeth Lamai - nai fynd i chwilio am yr enw ac enw bungalos lyfli ar y traeth ar ochr neis Koh Tao yn munud) - ELS xxx


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