Saturday, July 08, 2006

Goodnight and Goodluck

Well this is pretty much it for Vietnam, 8:30 sharpish tomorrow morning I'm off to Phnom Penh (pronounced - Nom Pen) in Cambodia. There better not be any Yanks on the bus because I've just had a whole day of anti American brainwashing!

First we went to the Vietcong tunnels in Cu Chi. This was one of the strongholds of the Vietcong, and the dying spot of many an American. The Vietcong lived underground in 250km of tiny tunnels. The entrencesd to the tunnel were too small to be found and surrounded by traps that wouldn't seem out of place in medieval times. Our guide must have been a Vietcong veteran No one else would have the glint in his eyes as he described how 4 Americans had died in the tank I was standing on, nor the proudness in his voice when he demonstrated how the spike traps worked!
We walked, well crawled, through 90m of the tunnels and they were pretty damn small! Most people exited about half way through and my bravado in going on nearly brought me troubles as the tunnel kept on narrowing! At one time I thought I was stuck, but somehow I slithered through!

After getting back to Saigon we went to the Museum of War Remnants. As this museum is in Vietnam it was pretty obvious that the Americans would not be portreyed as heroes! In fact they might as well call it the "Museum of Horrid and Unethical War Crimes Committed by the Satanistic American Scum Against The Brave Liberation People Of The Mighty Socialist Republic Of Vietnam" (It was actually called the Museum of American War Crimes until political correctness (and American tourist money) reached the country!).
There was detailed accounts of massacres against women and children, photos of jouranlists dying, kids burned down to the skull by Napalm, children born deformed due to the effects of Agent Orange and, most harrowing of all, a jar containing dead Siamise baby twins. I have absolutely no idea whether they were dolls or real, and to be honest I don't really want to know!

I've spent most of tonight packing my 51 fake DVD's carefully to make sure they don't get confiscated. Buit to be honest seeing as hoe pirate DVD's are all over both Cambodia and Thailand (the two borders I'm crossing in the next day and a half) it's more of a practice before bringing them home! I'm absolutely shattered but there's no time for a good night's sleep. It's the Fourth Place Play-off between 2 and 4am. Then up at 7am for the bus to Cambodia, followed by the Final at 2am. I've then got to be in the airport byt 7am, and hopefully by the end of Monday I'll be on the bus down south, with carwyn on his flight home.

So from Communist Vietnam, goodnight and goodluck.


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